She's two! Terrific two, I think, but definitely not terrible two. Elsie's birthday came on a Saturday this year and so it began with pancake breakfast with Papa and Mama, a birthday surprise in the yard, and a trip to the beach and park.
Lemon icing on a white cake was just up Elsie's alley, because she loves lemon! And in spite of dental caries, she was introduced to the concept of licking the beaters.
We were midway through the cake when she asked "Where's my party hat?", which was an excellent question. Mama hadn't thought about party hats. Out came the construction paper and markers.
A dance party followed and since a thunderstorm had just passed by, it was time to splash in the puddles.
All in all, it was a fun day and I think our decision to keep it small paid off. Maybe next year Elsie will have some friends that she reliably enjoys, but at this point her desire to be social is too patchy to justify inviting guests to celebrate with her.
I've found that I don't worry as much about how the day is going to pass and what we are going to do. Elsie offers so much imagination and provides her own direction much of the time. We go to playgroups, the parks, and the library and the days take care of themselves.
Bedtime has become a real adventure as she has begun falling asleep without nursing. It involves a lot of talking on some nights, and on other nights it boils down to lots of snuggles and "I like you". I think I may have even fallen asleep before her on occasion. So for all of those times I asked " when is she going to fall asleep on her own?" The answer is around 22 months! Oh well. As with all things baby, it's in the past and now we are on to whatever other challenges lie ahead.
Overall, she is just great. I couldn't have imagined that she would be so funny andcreative and so Her! But the fun is in the discovery.
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