Plants have been pushing through and slowly morphing over the past month here in Charlottetown. We've recently entered a bit of a windy, cool stretch but we have a lot on our plates and I am happy for the extra time we've been given to get things ready for planting. Martin is away in Ottawa right now, but when he gets back he will be finishing up the raised beds just in time for our soil delivery. We have wood for window boxes and for a deck of sorts in the yard. Elsie's 5th birthday party will be held in the yard at the end of the month and I am feeling anxious about how everything will get done in time.
Our landscaping dreams are filling my mind as Martin and I have come to the conclusion that we would like the yard to be chock full of trees and bushes. I've been going over the MacPhail Woods nursery catalogue and trying to figure out where I want everything, but then I worry about money as we haven't sold our extra house yet and the fun of it all gets lost in the worry. Martin has to remind me that we don't have to do everything in one year!
Elsie and Arthur have been fighting a bit less and actually playing together: I've found them reading in bed, Elsie's pulled Arthur in the wagon, they chase bubbles, and play tag. Sometimes Elsie will even ask Arthur if he wants to share a toy with her. I still find myself running into the room to the sound of screams and cries and finding hair in Arthur's hands, but it is probably not as often as it used to be.
Arthur has been wanting to read a lot of books and he is always asking "why?", which means that the logical part of his brain is developing rapidly. Great! He knows a lot of letters and notices them all over the place. He can count a bit too, if he's heard somebody say the numbers not too long before he tries. A lot of it might be mimicking more than knowledge, but it's something.
Elsie's started learning more letters and sounds. She really does not like it if I try to have sit down pencil/marker time, so I've tried to back off and remember that I want to just let her learn in her own way anyway. Yesterday at Forest School, her teacher asked her if she could write her name. She said she couldn't but she could write the first letter. And she did. I looked down to see a beautiful upper case "E". She always knows more than she lets me know about.
Last night was a rough one. The kids didn't fall asleep until around 11:30; Camber had an upset stomach and was trying to get my attention; then insomnia set in for awhile. So I'm sitting here with lazy legs and a tired mind. More will have to come later.
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